There are many digital forensics tools out there that are capable of finding evidence on devices. However, when a new user provided the below feedback, it really confirmed back to us what our tool is all about and why we think it can help turn the tide in the fight against ever-increasing backlogs and the pressures placed on those working on digital forensic investigations.
When an ICAC Investigator from the US South tried out Cyacomb on a 1TB drive seized in a CSAM case, he quickly realized the potential of the tools and how they can save his unit valuable time. Read on to hear how Cyacomb is helping him improve efficiency, reduce costs while still catching offenders quickly and promptly safeguarding victims.
“As a new user and relatively unfamiliar with the capabilities of Cyacomb, I decided to give it a try on a 1TB drive seized in a CSAM case. I selected all 9 of the available CSAM Contraband Filters (including Project VIC) to run against the suspect drive.
The results were truly unbelievable, I started getting CSAM hits in just 12 seconds. What was impressive to me was not only how quickly I got results but the location of the files it found.”
We all know that Law Enforcement are overwhelmed, with so many cases involving a digital aspect, there is huge pressure on digital investigators to work through an ever-increasing case load. Cyacomb’s tools were designed to triage devices in seconds, allowing users to quickly find devices relevant to an investigation, and leave behind those devices which are not relevant – saving them going back to the lab for lengthy processing. Even though other tools will find the same evidence as Cyacomb will, it’s great to hear how our new user got the evidence he needed in “12 seconds” opposed to “several hours, if not several days”.
“The files that were found were in the hidden Program Data folder and several folders deep within that folder. Additionally, the scan of the entire drive, including unallocated space, only took 22 minutes.
Using other forensic tools, I would have most likely still found those files, however, instead of 12 seconds, I would have had to wait several hours, if not several days, for the processing of the drive to finish. The time saved through using Cyacomb is a remarkable efficiency improvement for our unit and adopting it is a no brainer.
Having a triage tool that works this well and so quickly will be an invaluable asset for on-scene and in-lab triage.
Truly unbelievable! Awesome job Cyacomb!”
Improve your team’s efficiency and outcomes with Cyacomb’s cost-effective, fast, simple and thorough tools.
Request a tailored trial today and we will offer the solution specifically tailored to your requirements so you can quickly see how our tools can offer help you tackle overwhelming case loads.
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